You can order 4x6 color prints of any picture on this disk from the artist. You can identify any picture as follows. Each screen of this disk that contains pictures contains an identification number. It is located to the right of the date. For example, the first screen of Alice is AA199110. Furthermore, each picture that is displayed on this screen has a unique number, the number you click on to display the picture. These numbers begin at 1 and continue upwards. The number for an individual picture is the screen number followed by a picture number. Thus the third picture of screen AA199110 is AA199110-3. To place an order simply write a list of the picture numbers for the pictures you want. A glossy print of each picture costs $10.00. The minimum order is for 10 photos; please include $6.00 for shipping, and California residents should add sales tax. Send your order to: Eric Kroll Photographs Ltd. P.O. Box 642176 San Francisco, CA 94164-2176 FAX: 415-931-3203 e mail: Web site: